And we're off!
Almost! At least the knitting is ready, and there are many, many bins of things lined up in the hall (this is the problem with travelling by car--not enough incentive to pack light!). As knitting goes, I settled on bringing some Noro for a felted bag my teenager wants (not that I'll be able to felt at the beach!), needles and back up yarn (in case I can't get to that wonderful yarn store in time) for the Wonky Lace Socks, some remnants for the kids to knit with, some more leftovers and crochet hooks for me to practice, practice, practice my crochet flowers (they need it!), some nubby yarn and big needles for a possible scarf project (you never know!) my socks in progress (one DONE, one just begun) and a copy of Knit Simple, some patterns, and some back up needles, just in case! And, I of course reserve the right to totally divert from all plans once I hit the yarn store! I only wish I didn't have to drive--kills so much knitting time! But we have two weeks in the sun, two car loads of kids and gear....and an overflowing knitting bag.... what could be better?! I hope to be able to blog while I'm gone, but may have to hunt for a connection. If you want, subscribe to my blog with bloglines (see the button at right), and you can be notified with updates. Safe travels, and happy knitting, all!
One addition already: look at this cool link about knitting white squares to contribute to an art project at Sky Between Branches.